Due to recent change made by Adobe, JPEGmini's Lightroom plugin may not work on MacOS computers.
A fixed version of JPEGmini Pro version 3 and 2 Lightroom plugins have been released.
Please follow the instructions below to update your Lightroom plugin:
  1. In Lightroom, go to File -> Plugin Manager, then choose JPEGmini from the left panel and press "Remove".
  2. Download the latest plugin DMG from our website: https://jpegmini.com/downloads/
  3. Run the DMG file and copy the plugin bundle ('jpegmini.lrplugin') to a location you prefer on your local hard drive (for example, Documents Folder).
  4. In Lightroom, go to File -> Plugin Manage" again and press "Add" from the left panel, then go to the location of the new Plugin (as set in the previous section), choose it, and press "Add".
  5. If required, use your activation code to activate the plugin. 
  6. As a final step, add the plugin-in on the bottom left side of the export panel and verify that it is the last step of the export workflow.


If you get a message such as this:

Please follow these stages:

  1. Goto System Preferences --> Security & Privacy --> General Tab.
  2. Look at the bottom of the page, there should be a message indicating that JPEGmini was blocked.
  3. Click "Allow".
  4. Re-install.